The Centre has been established by virtue of the university Chancellor’s decree for 2/6/2012, and is affiliated directly to the university President. The centre is headed by the Students’ Affairs Dean, the Chancellor, in addition to twelve of college members from all colleges. This centre is considered to be MUST’s gate for exchange of training and educational opportunities for MUST students with their counterparts from other universities who seek to make use of scholarships and training chances offered by the regional as well as global unions and institutions.
Accordingly, the Centre paves the way for the participating students to be acquainted with new communities in terms of their habits and traditions. It, however, helps refine their personal and social skills, in addition to enhancing their academic abilities by making the theoretical approach linked to application, have them acquainted with the actual status of labour market to make them aware of its systematic and future, and the circumstances connected with it. Furthermore, the Centre helps broaden their thinking and cultural experiences through their participating in a number of topics and life-related affairs that are characteristic of the Arab and foreign countries they visit. Moreover, the Centre helps them present the real image of Egypt with her distinctive heritage and deeply-rooted ancient civilization that dates back to about seven thousand years to the visitors of students. This comes compatible with the theory of the so-called indirect diplomatic delegations that helps build a sense of understanding between different views and eliminate the ideological differences between nations, spread the open-minded, constructive thought that make them rally around common principles, thus overcoming all sorts of circumstances and obstacles connected with the environment and border disputes.
The Centre seeks to increase the size of student exchange among the educational institutions of Egypt as well as the Arab, Islamic, African and other foreign countries with a view to help increase convergence among them intellectually, culturally, socially and developmentally in the areas of training, scientific research and leadership for students and according to the international standards in order to serve the humanity in light of shared moral values.
We aim to make this Centre distinctive and certified in the field of student exchange and human development on the local, regional and global levels.