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info@must.edu.eg +202- 38247455 – 38247456 – 38247457 – 16878

Postgraduate Studies and Research Sector

About Sector

Post graduate and research affairs sector aims to provide the needed guidance to support postgraduates study and research in the university. The sector works under the supervision of Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs in cooperation with the faculty deans and vise deans of research affairs of the faculties to ease the process of providing the post graduate students with special educational services and a suitable environment for research to produce strong and creative researches that leads to professional and educational progress.

The post graduate research affairs sector also focus on coordinating efforts to provide scholarships, grants, and scientific assignments and affiliation programs with research centers and scientific research academy and   patents office and innovation . In addition to holding scientific conferences to encourage scientific publishing and applied projects.

Moreover, the sector contributes to achieve the University ’s mission through improving the quality and performance of the faculty and leadership that aim to provide developments through a system of professional high-tech courses.

 The sector also undertakes improving and establishing centers for outstanding  students in the research fields in order to encourage the research activities to achieve the university’s mission in having a lifelong learner and researcher students that introduce a community service

word from the vice president of post graduate and reseach affairs

Sector Vision

the post graduate studies and research sector at Misr University for Science and Technology achieve a leadership in providing distinguished research and academic postgraduate programs and, encouraging the dissemination of scientific and applied research internationally, providing practical advice, enriching human knowledge, and achieving excellence and leadership for all research submitted by university faculties thus contributing to the service and development of society, leading  business institutions and the surrounding environment

Sector Mission

Upgrading university research and graduate studies competencies in all colleges to reach international quality standards and standards of excellence to be able to compete and meet the needs of society based on national research necessary to contribute effectively to solving community problems and sustainable development to reach the future progress of the people of the country. Target


Message from the Dean

Dear Colleagues and Faculty members

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the official site of the postgraduate and research sector for Misr University for Science and technology which has played a pivotal role in reaching such an eminent position in QS starring. Through modernization and continuous development aiming to promote the university’s international ranking.

    In the field of graduate studies, We aim to achieve the difficult equation between attracting the largest number of students from inside and outside Egypt while maintaining programs’ quality. we seek to develop the registration process, study, and evaluation systems through a deliberate digital transformation. The internationalization of our graduate programs is among our chief pillars to excellence.

The field of research is the university’s path towards scientific renaissance. We aim to support researchers financially and logistically for world-class creativity and publication, which contributes to the promotion of the university. We also aim to support and develop our own outstanding research centers. The creation of a digital network between different research units would enhance cooperation and exchange of experiences among researchers.

    Cultural relations and international cooperation will witness the greatest interest to achieve the exchange of experiences and research with all universities and research centers, especially the most prestigious ones.

The promotion of the young generation of researchers and faculty members will always be our target.Our support will be endless, helping them to achieve their research and innovation hopes and hosting creativity and innovation to the leading businesses

     Success will only be achieved by all of you and we await your support. Our hopes and ambitions will be achieved with seriousness, diligence, justice, and transparency.

Prof. Dr Fawzia Aboul Fetouh

Vice President  for Post Graduate and Research Affairs 

Sector Objective

Conducting scientific researches in various fields that introduce a graduate capable of innovation and competition in the labor market. Encouraging scientific talents to keep pace with the rapid progress of science and technology and push them to creativity and innovation. Spreading the culture and ethics of scientific research with the latest knowledge and modern technology sources to develop their abilities in innovation, leadership and self-learning, teamwork and competition. Creating a database of published research to Support university colleges to standard qualify for accreditation and university ranking

Governing Values

 The governing values ​​that contribute to the success of the scientific research plan and the achievement of accuracy and objectivity in the preparation of scientific research and community studies represents the main axis of the governing values ​​of the graduate studies and research sector and the main driver of the efficiency of graduate studies and research to serve the local and regional community, imbued with the values ​​of accountability – transparency – empowerment – legitimacy – innovation and teamwork And constant giving

Objectives and goals

First goal:

Determining research priorities for the graduate studies and research sector and building a list that constitutes general frameworks for research that include a research plan compatible with the state development plan

The second goal:

Working on developing the level and quality of research performance and research practices in the university’s faculties, enjoying all the research and human capabilities of the university

The third goal

Develop mechanisms to achieve coordination and integration between research practices at all levels between the college departments and all colleges at the university to achieve research integration and leadership for Misr University for Science and Technology

Fourth goal:

Developing the level and quality of scientific publishing in the faculties of the graduate studies and research sector

Fifth goal:

Working to deepen the benefit of research results that serve the state in all areas of development compatible with the state plan

Sixth goal:

Working to deepen scientific responsibility in the design and implementation of research, with full adherence to ethical principles and charters

Postgraduate sector tasks

Misr University for Science and Technology awards a master’s degree in postgraduate studies in the following faculties:

1- College of Biotechnology (Master’s degree)

     Programs: (Link to the college’s graduate studies details)

2- College of Engineering (Master’s degree)

     Programs: (link is the college postgraduate details)

3- Faculty of Medicine (Master’s degree – Diploma degree – Professional diploma)

    Programs: :(link to college postgraduate studies details)

4- Faculty of Dentistry (Master’s degree)

     Programs: :(link to college postgraduate studies details)

5- Faculty of Languages ​​(Master’s degree)

     Programs: :(link to college postgraduate studies details)

6- Faculty of Languages ​​(Master’s degree)

     Programs:: (link to the college’s postgraduate studies details)

7- Computer Technology (Master’s degree)

     Programs: :(link to college postgraduate studies details)

8- Faculty of Archeology (Master’s degree)

      Programs: :(link to college postgraduate studies details)

Faculties applied to sector committees to examine postgraduate regulations for new programs as

 1- College of Engineering

     Programs: :(link to college postgraduate studies details)

2- Faculty of Dentistry

     Programs: :(link to college postgraduate studies details)

3- College of Physiotherapy

    Programs:: (link to the college’s postgraduate studies details)

3- College of Media

     Programs:: (link to the college’s postgraduate studies details)

1- Promotions and free time to finish postgraduate studies

2- Study vacations

3- Training courses for promotion and capacity development of the members of the training body

4- Scholarship to complete postgraduate studies

5- Scientific missions

Third: Scientific Research:

1- Preparing and following up the research plan for the university and colleges

2- Arbitration for scientific research for international publishing rewards

3- Research projects approval, accreditation and follow-up

4- Managing the point of contact with the Egyptian Patent Center of the Academy of Scientific Research

5- International classification

6- Managing the Future Researcher Association to spread research awareness among students

7- Managing the Scientific Research Ethics Committee

8- Linking scientific publishing and postgraduate research to serve the industry sectors

Fourth: Scientific and cultural activities

1- Conferences and scientific activities of the faculties

2- Cultural and awareness seminars

3- Supportive workshops for the implementation of the research plan

4- Opening channels for partnership at the level of graduate studies locally and internationally

5- Scientific journals of the university and colleges (issuing a journal for each college in cooperation with publishing houses related to international classifications)

Fifth: Cooperation with the central library of the university regarding:

1- Digital research repositories

2- Contact point for the Egyptian Knowledge Bank

3- Scientific Production Examination Center and Plagiarism Detection