info@must.edu.eg +202- 38247455 – 38247456 – 38247457 – 16878
info@must.edu.eg +202- 38247455 – 38247456 – 38247457 – 16878

Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG-11)

sustainable cities and communities

Misr University for Science and Technology exhibits high commitment to the global blueprints designed to deliver progress, peace and prosperity for people and the planet, including preserving and sustaining the heritage of communities. As an important stakeholder, MUST contributes towards the achievement of sustainable cities and communities through various events, practices and research. It regularly organizes events and exhibitions for students and employees to promote the culture and appreciation of Egyptian heritage.

SDG-11 Reports

11.2.1 Public access to buildings

  • 11.2.1 Public access to buildings

11.2.2 Public access to libraries

  • 11.2.2 Public access to libraries

11.2.3 Public access to museums

  • 11.2.3 Public access to museums

11.2.4 Public access to green spaces

  • 11.2.4 Public access to green spaces

11.2.5 Arts and heritage contribution

  • 11.2.5 Arts and heritage contribution

11.2.6 Record and preserve cultural heritage

  • 11.2.6 Record and preserve cultural heritage

11.4.1 Sustainable practices targets

  • 11.4.1 Sustainable practices targets

11.4.2 Promote sustainable commuting

  • 11.4.2 Promote sustainable commuting

11.4.3 Allow remote working

  • 11.4.3 Allow remote working

11.4.4 Affordable housing

  • 11.4.4 Affordable housing

11.4.6 Pedestrian priority on campus

  • 11.4.6 Pedestrian priority on campus

11.4.7 Local authority collaboration and new build standards

  • 11.4.7 Local authority collaboration and new build standards