info@must.edu.eg +202- 38247455 – 38247456 – 38247457 – 16878
info@must.edu.eg +202- 38247455 – 38247456 – 38247457 – 16878

Academic Advising Center

Academic Advising Center

About Center

In accordance with the Universities Organization Law No. (101) of 1994 and its executive regulations and the amended and complementary laws and decisions, including Presidential Decree No. (245) of 1996 regarding the establishment of Misr University for Science and Technology. In accordance with Law No. (49) of 1972 on the organization of universities and its amendments and executive regulations.Based on the strategic plan of the university, and the  belief of Misr University for Science and Technology that the university student’s  knowledge of the rules and regulations governing the educational process is one of the means that help him to pass his academic years without problems or obstacles. And that academic guidance is an essential axis of the educational process and is a basic requirement of the quality of education, in order to raise a generation of young people who carry science, knowledge and decision-making. So,   A decision was issued  by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University No. (19) of 2023 on April 19, 2023  to establish the Academic Advising Center at Misr University for Science and Technology under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. President of the University,  and Dr. Nermin Gamal Mohamed, a lecturer at the Faculty of Biotechnology, was assigned the task of general coordinator of the Academic Advising Center  with the formation of a board of directors for the center.   

The academic advising process is a collaborative process between academic advisors and students. Therefore, the Academic Advising Center at Misr University for Science and Technology aims to provide advice and help students face various difficulties related to university life, prepare them to adapt to the academic system, educate them about the university system, and help them understand their problems and work hard to solve them, in order to raise a generation of young people who carry science, knowledge and decision-making ability. The center also aims to develop the capabilities of academic advisors at the university and increase their awareness of the process of Academic advising.

Organizational Structure of the Academic Advising Center


Academic advising is the process of mentoring students in educational institutions, with the aim of effectively achieving their academic and professional goals. Academic advising includes providing advice and guidance to students on various matters related to their  academic stages, choosing  majors and courses, personal and professional academic plans, and solving problems they face in university life.

To be a center of distinction and pioneering nature in following up  students’ problems and providing academic advising  services that meet all the needs of university students

We strive to create an advanced academic environment that effectively facilitates the educational process, scientific assistance, and social and behavioral guidance for all university students to develop their personalities and professional interests and help them excel and creativity, and to develop and develop students’ identities through planning, coordination and supervision on an ongoing basis all educational processes for students

  1. Developing, developing and following up academic advising policies with the academic advising committees in colleges.
  2. Spreading the culture of academic advising among faculty members and students and activating the benefit of its services.
  3. Preparing new students to know university life and the study system through orientation counseling programs.
  4. Developing the capabilities of academic advisors and increasing their awareness of academic advising.
  5. Supervising the application of academic advising and student support procedures and instructions in colleges and following up on their implementation.
  6. Provide students with suggestions and advice to improve their educational achievement, and help them overcome their academic and administrative problems.
  7. Overcoming obstacles that hinder the educational achievement of struggling students.
  8. Work to strengthen the relationship between students and faculty members and build social relations for the student with his colleagues.
  9. Study the negative behavioral phenomena of some students and work to find appropriate solutions to them.
  10. Caring for outstanding students, guiding them and helping them to continue to excel.
  11. Caring for gifted students and supporting their creativity.
  12. Helping students of the final teams and preparing them for practical life so that they can succeed in various jobs and community service.
  13. Urging students to adhere to the morals of the university student and civilized behavior and to have the qualities of the student of knowledge and etiquette with his professors and colleagues.

Steps that the student must follow (in order) in case of an issue related to academic advising

Official Email for Academic Advising in Colleges

A special e-mail has been created for each college for academic advising operations in order to facilitate and facilitate communication between the student and the academic advising unit in the college on the one hand, and on the other hand to facilitate communication between the academic advisors and the general academic advisor in the college

E-mail AddressCollege
academic.advising@must.edu.egAcademic Advising Center
advising.eng@must.edu.egFaculty of Engineering
advising.arc@must.edu.egCollege of Archaeology and Tourist Guidance
advising.spe@must.edu.egCollege of Special Education
advising.pht@must.edu.egCollege of Physical Therapy
advising.nur@must.edu.egCollege of Nursing
advising.mas@must.edu.egCollege of Mass Media & Communication Technology
advising.pha@must.edu.egCollege of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Manufacturing
advising.bio@must.edu.egCollege of Biotechnology
advising.bus@must.edu.egCollege of Business Administration, Economics and Information System
advising.dnt@must.edu.egCollege of Dental and Oral Surgery
advising.med@must.edu.egCollege of Medicine
advising.applied@must.edu.egCollege of Applied Medical Science
advising.it@must.edu.egCollege of Information Technology
advising.req@must.edu.egUniversity Requirements
advising.FL@must.edu.egCollege of Foreign Language
advising.hs@must.edu.egCollege of Applied Health Science Technology

Academic Advising Themes

The axes of academic advising are:

  1. Student

The importance of the student in the academic process is that it is the main focus of it. In the absence of structured and targeted academic advising, the student is solely responsible for familiarizing himself with the university systems and regulations. Due to the varying level of achievement and experience among students, some find it difficult to understand and apply these systems and regulations, leading to academic problems such as poor performance, repetition of courses, failure and dismissal. The student bears full responsibility for these problems due to his inability to understand these systems and the ineffectiveness of the academic advising system.

Responsibility and role of the student

  • The student is primarily responsible for his or her academic performance, and the role of the mentor is the process of guiding the student and helping him to overcome the difficulties and problems that he may face.
  • Review the study regulations and understand the credit hour system.
  • Knowing the calendar for the academic year and viewing it in each semester.
  • Communicate with the academic advisor and take advice in case of stumbling or inquiring about study or university life.
  • Commitment to meet with the academic advisor on the date specified by the  academic advisor for each student, and to inform him of all the information and data requested from him.
  • Implement the mentor’s recommendations and attend the mentor’s meeting according to the agreed dates.
  • Inform the advisor of any variables that may affect his program or academic performance.
  • The need for the student to follow the official means of communication (Microsoft Teams – e-learning platform – university e-mail) on a daily basis.
  1. The educational institution is represented in:

First: Academic Advisor

It is the faculty member assigned by the department or college to support you and help you make sound decisions during your academic career successfully and effectively.

Tasks of the Academic Advisor

  • Obtaining a list of his students from the Office of the Academic Advising Unit at the college.
  • Meeting with students, to introduce himself and get to know them and break the barrier of dread between him and them.
  • Introducing the student to the administrative and organizational structure of the college, the services provided in the college, his rights and duties.
  • Introducing students to the policies of attendance, absence, warning, deprivation and postponement of a semester.
  • Explain the registration system for students and the policies of dropping, adding and withdrawing from courses.
  • He informs his students about the tasks of academic advising, the rights and duties of students.
  • It shows them the pros and advantages of the academic advising system.
  • He announces to students his counseling hours and explains to them the importance of communicating with him.
  • Introducing students to the study system (courses/credit hours).
  • Helping the student in solving his academic problems first-hand.
  • Knowing the calendar of the academic year and presenting it to students, especially the dates of registration, deletion, addition and withdrawal from courses.
  • Encouraging students to participate in student activities in the college.
  • Implement awareness programs by holding seminars and workshops in cooperation with student volunteers to serve their colleagues and develop their organizational skills.
  • Assist students in understanding and following up their study plans through the banner system.
  • Follow up the rates of  defaulting students,  guide students with low averages, motivate them and alert them to the procedures followed in this regard.
  • Alerting the student of the penalties to which he is exposed, which may reach the final dismissal from the university if he violates any of the university student’s behaviors, whether inside lecture halls or the university campus, and exposes him to dismissal as well if he tries to cheat in exams.  
  • Manage sensitive situations and help resolve student complaints.
  • The academic advisor submits a special report for students at the end of each semester to the general academic advisor at the college, explaining the activities and guidance of the students and the schedule and minutes of academic advising meetings with students.

Social Media

The Center’s page on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551372415469&mibextid=LQQJ4d

Book an appointment with your academic advisor

The appointment booking system with your academic advisor at the university is one of the modern tools proposed by the General Academic Advising Center that contributes to facilitating and organizing academic guidance processes for students. This system provides an opportunity for students to schedule one-on-one meetings with their academic advisors to discuss their academic developments and benefit from personal advising. It allows students to choose the time that suits them best, which promotes effective interaction between students and their advisors.

With this system, students can avoid the complications of wasting time waiting for their turn, as they can access the academic advisor’s schedule and choose the appropriate time period for them. This system promotes positive interaction between students and academic advisors, contributing to improving the quality of academic services and enhancing the student experience at the university

Table of links for the Book an appointment system with your academic advisor for each college

https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/AdvisingPharmacy1@must.edu.eg/bookings/s/0OElplf6pESIIEXlkewYJA2Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Manufacturing
https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/AdvisingHealthScience1@must.edu.eg/bookings/Applied Health Sciences Technology
https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/AdvisingMedia@must.edu.eg/bookings/s/ALkksO94wUybrYSMJ7NfnA2Media & Communication Technology
https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/AdvisingBooking1@must.edu.eg/bookings/s/FsWWf9q_G02qdKnsSeJirA2Management & Economics
https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/AdvisingDentistry1@must.edu.eg/bookings/s/8FAID53nRkOf4n1kumL4GQ2Oral and dental medicine and surgery
https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/FlAcademicadvisingCopy@must.edu.eg/bookings/s/zlSEv1u_dE-YMKJ3LGDUoQ2Languages & Translation
https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/AdvisingSpecial@must.edu.eg/bookings/s/Lo1drWk2N0ivtj8VJGaHjw2Special Education
https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/advisingbooking@must.edu.eg/bookings/s/b-dQMmNIH0i8uNLq3_Zx_g2Archaeology and tourist guidance