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Under the patronage of Mr. Khaled El-Toukhy Chairman of the Board of Trustees Prof. Hala El-Menoufy Dean of the College of Oral and Dental Surgery The third module of the Laser Applications Fellowship – 9th Batch will be held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 5th, 6th and 7th of October. The module will be held under the supervision of: Prof. Francesco Maria Manconi from the University of Genova Professor of...
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Under the patronage of Mr. Khaled El-Toukhy Chairman of the Board of Trustees Prof. Hala El-Menoufy Dean of the College of Oral and Dental Surgery Images from the scientific conference of the dental implants sponsored by Verdent Egypt, and the academic partners AIM academy and the College of Oral and Dental Surgery- Misr University for Science and Technology. It was conducted over two days in the presence of eminent lecturers in dental...
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Under the patronage of Mr. Khaled El-Toukhy Chairman of the Board of Trustees Prof. Hala El-Menoufy Dean of the College of Oral and Dental Surgery The Third module of the Facial Aesthetics Fellowship using the Botox and Fillers techniques was held in the College of Oral and Dental Surgery, on Thursday, 7th of September, 2023, for four consecutive days. The first and second days witnessed lectures and workshops given by...
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Within the framework of the program “Capacity Development and Training on the Art of Life Skills Management” prepared and implemented by Assistant Professor Sahar Sleem, the College of Special Education announces the signing of the first cooperation protocol between the College of Special Education led by Professor Sherif Shahin, Dean of the College and the main supporter of ideas and innovative initiatives that seek to serve the college and the...
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مصر موطن للثقافات المختلفة ، فهي تفتح أبوابها و ترحب بالجميع بغض النظر عن اللغة أو الجنس أو الدين أو العرق.  فإن لا مثيل لتاريخ مصر وحضارتها ، فإنها معروفة بتراثها الثقافي و مناظرها الطبيعية وكرم ضيافتها، مما يجذب المسافرين إليها.  فإن مصر تتمتع بإحدي العجائب السبع في العالم، كما لديها العديد من السواحل الجميلة و تختلف بها أنواع السياحة ومنها:  السياحة العلاجية: تحتوي مصر على أكبر نسبة من الينابيع...
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