Misr University for Science and Technology organized the International Dental Conference “IDC23” (Towards Sustainable Dentistry, Digitization and Beyond), headed by Prof. Hala El Menoufy, Dean of the College of Oral and Dental Surgery at Misr University For Science and Technology, and honorably chaired by Prof. Nihad El-Mahboub, Acting President of Misr University for Science and Technology and Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof. Tarek Salah El-Din, Chairman of the Dental Sector Committee of the Supreme Council of Universities, and Prof. Magdy Hatata, President of Fayoum University, under the patronage of Mr. Khaled El-Toukhy, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Misr University For Science and Technology, who pays special attention to innovation and scientific research. Prof. Nihad Al-Mahboub, Acting President of Misr University for Science and Technology, stated that the conference included approximately 100 scientific lectures, 16 workshops, 6 live shows, and 9 panel discussion sessions, most of which were multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary, with the participation of several faculties from the university such as the College of Pharmacy, Medicine, Mass Media and Communication and Biotechnology. The number of lecturers reached about 150 lecturers from various Egyptian and foreign universities, and the number of attendees reached approximately 7,000. Prof. Nihad explained that a competition was held among students of dental schools, in which about 23 colleges from public and private universities participated. Students from Misr University for Science and Technology won second place in the group competition, and in the individual competition, the university won first place in the competition. Prof. Nihad noted that a poster competition was held in which Misr University for Science and Technology won the first three places in the graduates’ poster, and in the students’ poster, the university won first and third place. Prof. Hala El Menoufy, Dean of the College of Oral and Dental Surgery at Misr University for Science and Technology, stated that one of the most significant parts of the conference were the lectures by Nasser Higher Military Academy which were given over two days. The lecture entitled, “Dimensions and Threats of Egyptian National Security” by Major General Samir Farag was given on the first day and on the second day, the lecture “War on Gaza” was lectured by Major General Mohamed Qashqoush. Prof. Hala El-Menoufy indicated that among the activities, Misr University for Science and Technology supported the “100 million Health Initiative” through a full panel discussion by Dr. Ahmed Tamara, Member of the Board of Directors of Souad Kafafi Hospital and Dr. Mona Khalifa, Director of the Public Health Initiatives Unit in the Office of the Assistant Minister of Health for Public Health Projects and Initiatives Affairs. Prof. Hala stated that the attendees praised the Fifth Employment Forum, which was held on the University golf course and included more than 30 companies, providing job offers for graduates of dental schools.
The conference was attended by Prof. Tarek Salah El-Din, Chairman of the Dental Sector Committee of the Supreme Council of Universities, Prof. Maha Abo Khedr, Rapporteur of the Dental Sector Committee, Dr. Samir Farag, Former Director of Morale Affairs in the Egyptian Armed Forces and Strategic Expert, and Dr. Ehab Heikal, Head of the Egyptian Dental Syndicate, Dr. Raffaele Pentangelio, the Italian Cultural Attaché, Major General Nabil Fikri Arafa, Deputy of the Medical Services Sector for Educational Affairs and Chairman of the Scientific Committee at the Interior Ministry and a member of the College Council, and a group of deans of public, and private dental colleges as well as representatives from partner universities of the College of Oral and Dental Surgery which include the University of Genova of Italy, University of Huddersfield of England, the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and Ege University of Turkey