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Misr University for Science and Technology Participates in “Scopus content selection training webinar”

Misr University for Science and Technology - A Leading University in Egypt. > News > Misr University for Science and Technology Participates in “Scopus content selection training webinar”

The management of Scopus platform held an online webinar titled “Content Selection Training” on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. The webinar saw participation from numerous universities worldwide. Representing Misr University for Science and Technology were some members of the journal editorial board, including Prof. Dr. Anas Atiya Al-Faqi, Editor-in-Chief of Misr University Journal of Humanities Studies; Prof. Dr. Ahmed Adel Abdel Mawla, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the same journal; Prof. Dr. Shorouk El-Shenawy, Chair of the International Classification Committee at the university; Prof. Dr. Fatima Al-Diwani, English Language Managing Editor of the journal; Eng. Ahmed Sami ElMongy, Assistant Editor-in-Chief; and Mr. Abdul Rahman Hashem, Media Coordinator for the journal. The event was attended at the Arab Heritage Center at the university

The webinar began with an introduction to the Scopus platform, an international database containing abstracts and references from articles published in peer-reviewed academic journals from around the world. Scopus covers approximately 22,000 titles from over 5,000 publishers, including 20,000 journals evaluated by experts in scientific, technical, medical, and social sciences (including linguistics and humanities).

According to Professor Richard Whatmore, a history professor at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, UK, and the webinar’s organizer, this session was specifically designed for scientific journals and researchers in Arabic-speaking African and Arab countries. The aim was to enhance the quality of peer-reviewed scientific journals and develop them to meet the necessary criteria for application for indexing in global databases.

It is noteworthy that the Scopus team comprises a distinguished group of scientists and experts from various fields worldwide. This team monitors the quality of research and the efficiency of scientific journals. If a journal is indexed and later fails to meet the minimum essential requirements, it is removed from the database