In the presence of Professor Mukhtar Al-Zawahiri, Vice President of the University, Professor Nehad Al-Mahboub, Dean of the Faculty of Human Medicine, Professor Rehab Abdel Moneim, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Professor Hala Issa, Dean of the Faculty of Biotechnology, Professor Ahmed Fouad, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for Community Service Affairs, and Professor Nancy Zaghloul, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. For student affairs, Prof. Mohamed Abdel-Hakim, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Biotechnology, Prof. Mohamed Safwat, General Director of the Hospital, Prof. Enas Abdel-Rahim, Director of the Education Development Center, Prof. Omar Heikal, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, Prof. Mahmoud Taj, Head of the Pathology Department, and all members of the teaching staff and the supporting staff in the Cardiology Department and the Students Union