info@must.edu.eg +202- 38247455 – 38247456 – 38247457 – 16878
info@must.edu.eg +202- 38247455 – 38247456 – 38247457 – 16878

Activities on the First Day of the MUST Garage Sale

Under the patronage of Mr. Khaled El-Toukhy, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and Prof. Dr. Nihad El-Mahgoub, Acting President of the University, along with Prof. Dr. Emad Khalil, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, and Prof. Dr. Rehab Ahmed Abdel-Moneim, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Manufacturing, the Central Library of Misr University for Science and Technology, in collaboration with the College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Manufacturing and the Office of Sustainable Development, participated in the Second MUST Garage Sale for the second consecutive year. This event took place on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, and is an initiative to display and exchange used items by allowing participants to offer their used items in exchange for a voucher that enables them to acquire other exhibits. This initiative stems from the “Towards Zero % Waste” initiative launched by the college, aiming to achieve the most significant goals of sustainable development, which are:

📌 Goal 1: Eliminating poverty.

 📌 Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities.

 📌 Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production.

📌 Goal 17: Establishing partnerships to achieve the goals..