Under the patronage of Mr. Professor Khaled El-Toukhy, Chairman of the board of Trustees, Professor Dr. Nehad El-Mahgoub, Acting President of the University, Professor Dr. Emad Khalil, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, and Professor Dr. Rehab Ahmed Abdel-Moneim, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Manufacturing, the Central Library of Misr University of Science and Technology (MUST) collaborated with the College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Manufacturing and the Office of Sustainable Development in “The Second MUST Garage Sale.” This event, held for the second consecutive year, took place on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. The initiative aims to showcase, and exchange used items by encouraging participants to bring their pre-owned belongings for display and replacement. In return, participants receive purchase vouchers that allow them to acquire other items. This initiative aligns with the “Towards Zero % Waste” campaign launched by the college. The initiative’s key sustainable development goals include:
📌Goal 1: Eliminating poverty.
📌Goal 11: Building sustainable local communities and cities.
📌Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production.
📌Goal 17: Forming partnerships to achieve these objectives. The second day concluded with the recognition of the top three centers, ranked as follows: (1) Women’s Clothing Team, (2) Electrical Appliances and Household Tools Team, and (3) Books and Office Supplies Team. They were honored with certificates of appreciation and symbolic monetary awards in recognition of their efforts during the two-day event.