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info@must.edu.eg +202- 38247455 – 38247456 – 38247457 – 16878
105 MC

Amani Omar Elhusseini, PhD

Full Professor of Mass Media at the Faculty of Mass Media and Communication Technology, Chairman of Department of Public Relations and Advertising and Supervisor for the preparations for the Masters Degree in the Faculty.


Graduated from the Faculty of Mass Communication at the American University in Cairo, and had a Major in Journalism and two Minors in Psychology and Political Science, got Masters and PhD degrees from Faculty of Mass Communication at Cairo University. Achieved the Degree of Professorship in October 2015.  Have been teaching at Misr University for Science and Technology since 2000 until now. The author of more than 20 books and published more than twenty research in international periodicals and in international conferences.  She has represented MUST University in several International Conferences in Switzerland, in Oslo and in Copenhagen.

Taught a variety of courses in the fields of Mass Media, Communication Technology, Political Science, Marketing and Business Administration.  Worked in the Education Quality Assurance for ten years and attended several courses for the Faculty Strategic Study and Course Description.  Participated in preparing the new course schedule for the faculty for the undergraduate phase. Proudly got several Awards for distinguished achievement as a Chairman of Department.


Graduated from the American University in Cairo with highest honors and got the Masters and PhD degrees from the Cairo University.


She had published several books that exceeded twenty books; some of which are as follows: “Principles of  Marketing”, “Visual Communication”, “Business Administration””, International Marketing”, “Advertising in Electronic Media”, “Event Management”, “Media and Politics”, “Speech Communication”, “Communication Research Methods”, “Media and Society”, “Variety Programs”, “Social Marketing Campaigns”, “Media and Development”, Media Campaigns, “Introduction to Radio and Television”, Public Opinion, Introduction to Advertising, “Introduction to Public Relations”.