Equality needs to underpin every aspect of sustainability if the objectives of the SDGs are to be met. Although SDG 5 explores this through the prism of gender, SDG 10 takes a broader look at the intersectionality of disadvantage. This disadvantage can be felt through all of the other key issues raised by the SDGs – disadvantaged groups are both more likely to be unable to take advantage of progress and to suffer from the effects of climate change
10.6.1 Non-discriminatory admissions policy
10.6.2 Access to university track underrepresented groups applications
10.6.3 Access to university underrepresented groups recruit
10.6.4 Anti-discrimination policies
10.6.5 University diversity officer
10.6.6 Support for underrepresented groups
10.6.7 Accessible facilities
10.6.8 Disability support services
10.6.10 Disability accommodation policy