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The First Scientific Conference of the Japanese Language Department under the title: “Vision towards the future”

Misr University for Science and Technology - A Leading University in Egypt. > College of Foreign Languages and Translation > The First Scientific Conference of the Japanese Language Department under the title: “Vision towards the future”

Under the patronage of Mr. Khaled Al-Toukhi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees; Prof. Muhammad Omar Abu Doh, President of the University; Prof. Sherif Refaat, Vice President of the University; Prof. Hussein Ibrahim, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Translation.

the Japanese Department headed by Prof. Hassan Kamal organized the Scientific Conference of the Department of Japanese Language under the title of “Vision Towards the Future – Student Day in the Department”, where the faculty of Foreign Languages and Translation hosted a delegation from both the Embassy of Japan and the Japan Foundation.

During the conference, Prof. Sherif Refaat and Prof. Hussein Ibrahim honored the outstanding students and presented to them certificates of appreciation as an expression of the university and faculty support for their students.

During the conference, the students of the department who wore the “kimono” – the traditional Japanese dress code – presented a number of entertainment shows in Japanese, which varied between presenting topics, reciting poetry, and singing.

Meanwhile, Prof. Sherif Refaat handed an agreement on donating Japanese books to the university to Ms. Hashimoto, Head of the Japan Foundation and the Japanese Cultural Center in Cairo. The Japan Foundation will provide 150 books to the Japanese Department. The Foundation also agreed to provide opportunities for students of the Japanese Department to use the Foundation Japanese e-books, in addition to enabling the students of the Department to enroll in the programs of residence and coexistence in a Japanese house during the summer vacation.