Under the patronage of Mr. Khaled Al-Toukhi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Prof. Ashraf Haider Ghaleb, President of the University, and Prof. Hala Al-Menoufy, Dean of the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine and Surgery, the faculty welcomed Prof. David Byrne, Head of Postgraduate Studies, College of Dentistry – University of Dundee, UK, College. This visit is to activate the cooperation agreement between Misr University for Science and Technology and the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh. The visit of Prof. Byrne was after the approval of the British Fellowship program in the faculty. The faculty represented in the dean, Prof. Hala Al-Menoufy, the vice deans, and a group of the faculty members welcomed Prof. Bryne. The visit program included the following: a visit to the fellowship clinics in the faculty, direct communication with students (Orthodontics MORTH), meeting with faculty members participating in teaching and supervising the program in the faculty. Cases were presented by fellowship students.