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College of Oral and Dental Surgery

About College

College of Oral and Dental Surgery was established in 1996 and study began in the Fall of the same year. The Bachelor’s Degree in Oral and Dental Surgery granted by the College is equivalent to the bachelor’s degree granted by other public universities. The First Class of the College graduated in the Spring Semester of 2002, the academic year 2001-2002. The Council of the College of Oral and Dental Surgery, grants:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Oral and Dental Surgery (BDS).
  • Master’s Degree in Oral Medicine, Periodontology, and Diagnostics.
  • Master’s Degree in Endodontics.
  • Master’s Degree in Prosthodontics.
  • Master’s Degree in Conservative Dentistry.
  • Master’s Degree in Oral Pathology.
  • Master’s Degree in Oral Biology.
  • Master’s Degree in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
  • Master’s Degree in Dental Implantology.
  • Master’s Degree in Orthodontics.

The College of Oral and Dental Surgery is a pioneering private College in continuing education.

The training program for graduate Dentist to qualify them to obtain a British fellowship certificate with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh began in the following specialties: Membership in Prosthodontics, Endodontics and Periodontics (MRD), Orthodontic Membership (M. ORTHO) and Membership in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (MOMS).


Study Plan

The scientific departments of the college are:


Oral Pathology & Oral Surgery department

The department include two divisions: Oral pathology division and Oral surgery division.

This department aims to provide the students with scientific bases and intellectual skills needed to diagnose a wide range of oral diseases and to enable dentists to deal with cases of teeth extractions, fractures, tumors of the jaws and diseases of temporomandibular joint.

Head of Department:  Prof Hala Salem Elmenofy

Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics, & Oral Biology department

The department include three divisions: Oral biology and human dentition division, Pediatric dentistry division &Orthodontic division.

This department enable the student to know dental terminology, tooth morphology, structure, and physiology of teeth, it also enables the students to deal with primary tooth for infants and children, including those with special health care needs. It provides the student with the knowledge for diagnosis, prevention, interception, and treatment of malocclusion anomalies.

Head of Department: Prof. Nihal Elsayed Refaat Kabel

Prosthodontic department

The department include three divisions: Removable prosthodontic division, Fixed prosthodontics division & Dental material division.

This department provides the students with the concepts of laboratory sand clinical knowledge and practice in the construction of complete, partial, and fixed prosthodontics, it also the students to know the difference chemical, physical and biological properties of dental materials and their applications in different branches of dentistry.

Head of Department: Prof. Heba Shelby

Conservative surgery department

The department include three divisions: Oral Medicine, Periodontology, Oral Diagnosis & Oral Radiology division, Endodontics division & Operative division.

This department provide the students with the sufficient scientific bases and clinical skills needs to develop a comprehensive oral diagnosis as well as formulate a preliminary sequential treatment plan for healthy and medically compromised patients. Also, it enables the student to deal with periodontal tissues, carious lesion, pulp tissues, the internal morphology of teeth and the periapical area. Also enable students to practice dental radiography in a safe and efficient manner

Head of Department: Prof. Madiha Mahmoud Gomaa

College Administrative

  • Prof. Hala Salem Elmenofy
    Dean of the College of Dentistry
    • Prof. Nihal Elsaied Refaat Abd-elmaged Kabel
      Vice Dean for Educational and Student Affairs
    • Prof. Heba Mohamed Al Amin Shalaby
      Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Researches
    • Prof. Manal Ibrahim Elbermawy
      Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Affair
Message of The Dean
College Goals
Core Values

College Vision

The Faculty of Oral and Dental Surgery – Misr University for Science and Technology aspires to be among the leading faculties in the field of dentistry regionally and globally.

College Mission

The Faculty of Oral and Dental Surgery – Misr University for Science and Technology is committed to graduate a scientifically and professionally distinguished graduate who meets the labor market’s requirements through a distinguished research and scientific professional programs and providing improved treatment services that fulfil Community needs based on ethical principles.


It’s my pleasure to welcome you all to the Faculty of Oral and Dental Surgery, Misr University for Science and Technology, we are proud to be the pioneer private faculty among Egyptian private universities since it was established in 1996. Our college includes a group of eminent professors and dental experts who contributed faithfully to place the first nucleus and advancing the college with steps of a distinct vision of the future.

I am honored that I started my mission as dean of the College on 06/15/2021 as the first appointed professor from within the members of the academic staff of the college. I have honorably witnessed the process of development and modernization in the college’s human and material resources (laboratories for the pre-clinical stage, educational clinics, research centers and postgraduate program clinics) in accordance with the ongoing educational developments; which aren’t limited to the undergraduate degree programs in oral and dental surgery, but rather included novel internship compulsory training programs with a multidisciplinary treatment system to promote the graduate skills to compete in the local, regional and international labor market.

Furthermore, we have implemented many professional diploma programs in cooperation with University of Genova in Italy.

Recently, postgraduate programs for an academic master’s degree have been launched. These master’s programs will be a prelude to open the application for an academic doctorate degree after postgraduate students’ completion of the master’s degree.

May Allah guide us all to the righteous way

Prof. Dr. Hala Al-Menoufy

Dean of College of Oral and Dental Surgery

College Goals

First Goal: Developing a distinguished academic educational system supported by institutional and human excellence:

Creating and developing academic and professional programs in the college.

2. Developing teaching and learning strategies in line with the Egyptian state’s trend to develop university education.

3. Developing and improving human cadres and academic leaders in the college.

4. Developing the skills of college students in line with labor market changes.

5. Developing and modernizing the college’s laboratories and clinics, the teaching halls, and the college’s technological and informational infrastructure

6. Introducing high-quality training programs capable of increasing the competitive capabilities of students and graduates (professional diplomas) in the labor market.

7. Raising the efficiency of the performance of the college system to ensure the quality of education.

Second Goal: To develop an innovative and updated research system:

8. Stimulating a distinguished system for scientific research in a way that supports the provision of research and treatment services to the surrounding community.

9. Expanding areas of research cooperation and partnership locally, regionally, and globally.

Third goal: Increasing the ability to provide distinguished and sustainable community and environmental services that market the college’s applied services:

10. Developing the college’s role in serving the surrounding community

11. Partnership with governmental and non-governmental development bodies and agencies based on the foundations of community service.

12. Spreading environmental awareness of community issues

Core Values

  • Intellectual and academic freedom with moral and ethical commitment.
  • Mutual respect and preservation of university traditions and individual rights.
  • Interdependence, cooperation, and teamwork.
  • Transparency and democracy in decision-making.
  • Creativity and innovation.
  • Quality, excellence, and professionalism in work and scientific research.
  • Community responsibility.


Study System

The language of study in the college is in English, according to the system of credit hours.

Duration of study: 10 semesters over five years.
Credit hours are: 210 including:

21 hours University Requirements
189 hours college requirements as follows:
23 hours Basic Sciences.
39 hours basic medical sciences.
24 hours basic dental sciences.
20 hours preclinical courses
77 hours clinical courses
6 hours elective courses.

The college offers the graduates a Bachelor degree in oral medicine and dental surgery.

Agreements and Cooperation

  • MRD Residency Training Program For Membership of the Royal college of Surgeons Edinburgh.
  • Interns training program.

A year of training after graduation is considered an essential requirement for the applying students as it allows them to receive the license for professional practice and register in the Syndicate of Dentistry. This requires the student to spend a full year after graduation at the university’s hospitals or the Ministry of Health.
Students are distributed among different departments and different sections, also there are lectures given by faculty members, and the applicants are required to hold seminars on various topics.
This program is verified and published on the university’s website.
The program is designed for students to attend different clinical procedures from different specialties. They must process clinical requirements and treatment of a certain number of patients under the supervision of faculty members and their assistants.
There are supervisors of faculty members and assistants from all departments who are assigned to supervise, guide and follow-up implementation of the program topics in order to resolve any problems that may impede the program.
Laser treatment center and applications of laser in dentistry.
Center for Continuous Education: Provides training programs and workshops for interns and recent graduates in all dental specialties and increases efficiency in the different topics in dentistry.
Misr University for Science and Technology Hospital (Souad kafafi hospital)  is equipped with clinics for Dental treatment in all specialties and the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery including operations of general anesthetic under the supervision of professors and specialists in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
The graduate program is based on the credit-hour system.


Student Support Systems - College of Oral and Dental Surgery

  1. It supports books to be delivered from the book administration at the university with free textbooks, references, and a tablet for each student enrolled in the first year directly after the registration process.
  2. Medical, health, and preventive care (vaccinations Hepatitis B Medical Clinic and University Hospital).
  3. Transportation: The total numbers of males, females, and geographic range of the population are calculated through the Office of Student Affairs Data at the University which facilitates the students’ transportation.
  4. Provision of housing units for expatriates in agreement with the university.
  5. The University unit of psychological guidance is responsible for linking the university community and providing services and psychological counseling for university students to raise their efficiency and improve their performance.

Students Affairs - College of Oral and Dental Surgery

Vision: Excellence and development in university studies with the aim of reaching the college to a prestigious position inside and outside Egypt
Mission: Providing the scientific competencies of professors in dentistry in different specialties to provide integrated educational and student services appropriate to the standards of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Authority to provide distinguished graduates who can compete in the employment market.
Strategic goals:
1. Develop the college’s educational program and academic courses in accordance with the needs of the employment market and quality requirements.
2. Raising the efficiency of the teaching and learning process in the college and providing new resources.
3. Attracting international students from all over the world.
4. Development of education and e-book for the college.
5. Communicating with graduates and providing areas for developing their skills and creating channels of communication between them and the owners of the employment market.
6. Developing students’ skills and updating the compulsory training year (internship) in accordance with the requirements of the employment market institutions.
7. Encouraging students to participate in student activities.
8. Developing the academic advising system.

Collaborations in medical sector conferences

Community and Environment

College of Oral and Dental Surgery

Leadership in the field of community services for the College of Oral and Dental Medicine locally and internationally.
The Environmental Community Service Sector at the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Misr University for Science and Technology seeks to build bridges of communication between the academic community of the faculty and the external community sectors. In addition to instilling human cadres in the field of community service
Strategic goals:
1. Strengthening the role of the college in the areas of community service.
2. Development of human cadres among dentists in the field of community service.
3. Developing and renewing the internal work environment in the college with the application of security and safety standards
4. Achieving infection control measures
5. Connecting graduates to various labor market institutions.
6. Develop continuous training programs for internship doctors and graduates in relation to the development of the various needs of the labor market.
7. Development of the material resources of the college.
8. Establishing local and international partnerships with various service and educational sectors.

Quality Assurance Unit


The Quality Assurance Unit was established by the College Council Decision on 2/10/2011, and the internal regulations and organizational structure were updated and approved for the academic year 2020/2021. It is an independent unit that reports to the dean of the college administratively, and it has a board of directors that organizes its activities through the committees and the constituent teams. It determines the financial needs necessary to carry out its tasks, and it is disbursed from the central university budget. The unit’s board of directors is made up of the dean, deans, faculty members, members of the executive committees, faculty members and their assistants, students, administrators, members of the external community, and alumni. Among the unit’s tasks is setting mechanisms for follow-up and performance evaluation, activating the internal review of all the college’s activities, following up on the implementation of the various plans approved by the College Council, exploring the views of the internally and externally concerned parties, and defining and activating training courses for leaders, faculty members, the supporting body, administrators, and students.


  Achieving excellence for the college to become a unique college that works to improve dentistry in a way that qualifies it to obtain academic accreditation from national, regional and international, with a distinguished reputation and to achieve competitiveness and leadership for the college.


The Quality Assurance Unit at the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine at Misr University for Science and Technology aims to spread the culture of quality, follow-up and evaluate performance in all elements of the educational system and research and service activities provided by  the college in light of the standards of the National Authority for Quality Assurance of Education and Accreditation, and the adoption of a process of continuous improvement of institutional and academic performance to improve  the level of efficiency and competitiveness of its graduates and gain the confidence and satisfaction of the beneficiaries in order to achieve comprehensive quality and obtain accreditation.

Strategic objectives alone ensure quality

1. Adopting strategic thinking in the college to achieve its future goals and ambitions.
2. Commitment to the college’s mission and strategic objectives to improve performance.
3. Dissemination and promotion of the culture and concepts of quality, accreditation, and improvement of performance among all internal and external beneficiaries.
4. Providing technical support to the academic, clinical, and administrative departments for the continuous development and improvement of educational programs to achieve the targeted learning outcomes.
5. Cooperation with the University’s Quality Assurance Center to achieve cooperation and exchange of information and ideas.
6. Ensure job satisfaction for all internal and external beneficiaries of the college, using different tools to measure their satisfaction.
7. Develop the skills of various human resources by preparing the necessary training plans in accordance with a statement of training needs.

Code of Ethics

College Structure

Scientific Degrees

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Oral and Dental Surgery (BDS).
  • Master’s Degree in Oral Medicine, Periodontology, and Diagnostics.
  • Master’s Degree in Endodontics.
  • Master’s Degree in Prosthodontics.
  • Master’s Degree in Conservative Dentistry.
  • Master’s Degree in Oral Pathology.
  • Master’s Degree in Oral Biology.
  • Master’s Degree in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
  • Master’s Degree in Dental Implantology.
  • Master’s Degree in Orthodontics.